AGM Postponed

Due to some unavoidable reasons the AGM is postponed till further notice. Please watch out this place for an update
on the subject.

Debansu , (Webmaster) on behalf of The President and Secretary of the Association.


2 thoughts on “AGM Postponed”

  1. You may take up the matter with the Hon’ble Law Minister Sri Rabi Lal Maitra who happed to be ex-student of our school for utilising his good office to influence the Managing Committee of the School for their permission.

  2. Thanks Subhasda for your suggestion. We are already in sync with Rabilalda ( You can see our old reunion posts here where Rabilalda actively participated ). But I doubt if availability of venue was the only issue for the postponement. Since I’m remote at this point please contact Surajitda/Suparnada for a better understanding of the situation.

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